NYSEC Awards Program

About the NYSEC Awards

The New York State English Council understands that educators involved with professional organizations are more informed about current information on national and local programs and initiatives. The programs and awards supported by NYSEC provide opportunities for professional leadership, promote excellence in English education, and foster collegiality and camaraderie among ELA educators throughout New York State.

These programs and awards are the heart of our mission. These programs and awards help keep NYSEC educators informed, enthusiastic, and unified. We encourage everyone to help us celebrate the outstanding teachers, students, mentors, and programs that we have in districts all across the state.

Award Applications

Watch for 2025 Award Applications 

Award Categories

Collaborators of Excellence

The New York State English Council recognizes excellence in team teaching by presenting Awards at its annual conference to two or more educators, at least one of whom is an English Language Arts teacher, nominated by their schools and then selected by the Council. The team must work collaboratively together and share responsibility for interdisciplinary curriculum, lesson design, or instruction of a shared group of students.

Only one nomination per building and/or level (elementary, middle, secondary, college and administration/supervision) may be submitted. There must be a NYSEC member in the school/district. The nominees must be full-time educators, currently employed and have at least 3 years teaching or administrative/supervisory experience.

It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit all materials at the same time. All materials become the property of NYSEC unless they are retrieved at Friday’s Awards Luncheon.

The Council will honor award winners at a luncheon at the annual NYSEC Conference on Friday afternoon.

Creative Writing Contest for Students Grades 9-12

We are looking for teachers to submit student writing in two categories: poetry and short fiction/creative nonfiction. Poems should be 20 lines or fewer; short fiction should be no longer than 500 words.

Students are invited to write about ideas that coincide with NYSEC’s Annual Conference Theme Graffiti Our Dreams: Empowering Students Within the Walls of Your Classroom to Inspire Hope Beyond.

A winner will be chosen in each category. The winners and their teachers will be honored at a luncheon at the Marriott Hotel in Albany, New York on October 24, 2025. School districts are asked to submit no more than six student writing entries.

Dr. Ruth E. Everett Award

Each year, the New York State English Council honors one or more cooperating teachers and/or mentors who have mentored future English language arts teachers in student teaching or intern programs. This award is in memory of Dr. Ruth E. Everett, a longtime NYSEC member and Past President, who was an outstanding mentor for future English language arts teachers in her forty-three year career teaching in New York City schools and at SUNY Oswego.

Only one nomination from each college may be submitted. The nominee must be a full-time English language arts educator who has served five years as a cooperating teacher for at least five student teachers or three years as a cooperating mentor with a year-long intern program.

The educator may teach at the elementary, middle, or secondary level. The Council will honor award winners at a luncheon at the annual NYSEC Conference in October in Albany, NY.

This award is presented to up to five new teachers who have been teaching five or fewer years. The scholarship pays for full conference registration to the NYSEC conference that year, at which the recipient is honored, as well as a one-year membership to NYSEC.

Criteria for nomination:
• Been nominated by a NYSEC member
• Excelled in content delivery, used innovative teaching strategies, and/or served the school or district as an emerging leader
• Received a letter of recommendation from the nominator and an administrator in the nominee’s district

Scholarship recipients will:
• Participate in NYSEC during upcoming years. Participation may include: presenting at a NYSEC Conference, writing for a NYSEC publication (The English Record, Newsletter, or Blog), being part of a NYSEC Conference committee, or serving on the NYSEC Executive Board.
• Be mentored by an Executive Board member.
• Be considered for the NCTE Affiliate Leadership Development Award
• The scholarship winner will be honored at the NYSEC Awards luncheon at the Annual Conference in October.

Educators of Excellence

Each year the New York State English Council recognizes excellence in teaching by presenting Awards at its annual conference to English Language Arts educators nominated by their schools and then selected by the Council.

Only one nomination per building and/or level (elementary, middle, secondary, college and administration/supervision) may be submitted.

There must be a NYSEC member in the school/district. The nominee must be a full-time educator, currently employed and have at least 3 years teaching or administrative/supervisory experience.

It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit all materials at the same time, and the nomination form and documentation must be submitted by the deadline. All materials become the property of NYSEC unless they are retrieved at Friday’s Awards Luncheon.

The Council will honor award winners at a luncheon at the annual NYSEC Conference on Friday afternoon.

Library Media Specialist of Excellence

This award recognizes a Library/Media Specialist who cultivates a passion for reading, takes significant steps to provide students with diverse and inclusive texts, and who fosters research and student inquiry in collaboration with classroom teachers.

Only one nomination per building and/or level (elementary, middle, secondary, college and administration/supervision) may be submitted.

There must be a NYSEC member in the school/district. The nominee must be a full-time educator, currently employed and have at least 3 years teaching or administrative/supervisory experience.

It is the responsibility of the nominator to submit all materials at the same time. All materials become the property of NYSEC unless they are retrieved at Friday’s Awards Luncheon.

The Council will honor award winners at a luncheon at the annual NYSEC Conference on Friday afternoon.

Mini Grants

$500 grants are awarded to NYSEC members who are willing to create, explore, or enrich instruction in English Language Arts. Mini-grant projects could address:

Diverse texts
Technology integration the ELA classroom
The use of AI
Teacher education
Research in the teaching of reading, writing, listening, speaking
Staff development
Interdisciplinary studies
Alternative assessment practices
Integration of the language arts
Teaching children at risk
Inclusion of children with special needs
Work with the Next Generation Standards
Project based learning
Reaching multilingual learners

Winners of the Mini-Grant Awards will be notified in the beginning of June and will receive their grants by the end of June.

Projects should begin no later than the end of September.

Award winners must present their programs at the October Conference or submit manuscripts describing their programs to the english record as a condition of receiving the mini-grant award.

Programs of Excellence

Awards for effective programs which have been in place for at least three years and which have enriched English Language Arts instruction by offering creative opportunities for students and teachers.

Programs may be subject to a school visit, in person or virtual, by members of the NYSEC Executive Board.

The chosen programs will be designated “Programs of Excellence” and will be announced in June. School district representatives will be presented with these awards at our annual NYSEC Conference at the Albany Marriott Hotel in Albany, New York. The program winners will also be publicized in the NYSEC newsletter.

The winners will also agree to present a workshop at the October NYSEC Conference.

Student Scholarship for Writing Workshop/Camp K-12

This NYSEC scholarship will support up to five students in grades K-12, towards their attendance/engagement with writing by supporting the tuition/expenses for a writing camp/workshop/conference or other related endeavor.

Students must be nominated by their teacher/mentor, who is a current member of NYSEC.

A maximum of five $200 awards will be given each year in the form of a VISA gift card.

Winners will be determined by a sub-committee of the NYSEC Executive Board at the May board meeting.

Winners and all submitters will be notified sometime after the May meeting by email to both the teacher mentor and the parent/guardian.

Upon receipt of that email, either the teacher or parent/guardian will acknowledge said email by replying with an email address to send the gift card in digital form.