The month of September is rolling by faster than expected, and as the school year’s rhythm sets in and the leaves begin to fall, we mark our calendars to celebrate Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month. Hispanic/Latinx Heritage month runs from September 15th- October 15th, and there are plenty of opportunities to join in the festivities in communities across New York State.
The New York Public Library
The New York Public Library has an incredible line-up of events that highlight the beauty and strength of the Hispanic/Latinx community. Celebrations include a panel on navigating book bans and book challenges while emphasizing “the importance of joy and self-expression” with writers Emanuel Xavier, Melissa Rivero, and Adriana Herrera. If you wish to pursue a more visual literary experience, curator Mela Dávila Freire and writer Silvina López Medin will discuss women artists and writers who were left out of the canons of 20th-century art and literature. Later in the month, the library will explore identity with Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Héctor Tobar, and best-selling author Esmeralda Santiago as she discusses familial ties across migrant experiences. creation of thought-provoking art.
Environmental Conservation Communities
The interdisciplinary nature of the ELA classroom leads learners to investigate new worlds and possibilities for the power of writing to change our world. Hispanic/Latinx scientists, writers, and environmentalists have been at the forefront of conservation since the Aztec’s “zero waste” society. Peruse the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation website for engaging historical, scientific, and literary environmental contexts to include in your curriculum.
SUNY Colleges and Universities
Our SUNY colleges and universities are rich with fun and exciting cultural programming. They have a range of events that celebrate and honor the complex history and connections among the Hispanic/Latinx communities within the United States and across the world. From poetry to political action, you’ll find it all. Peruse the calendar of events and get inspired!
We’d love to hear about what you’re doing to honor and celebrate Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month. Share your lessons and events in the comments below this post. We wish you all a beautiful Hispanic/Latinx Heritage month!
Holly Spinelli is an advocate for equality through anti-racist, anti-bias, and anti-oppressive facilitation within and beyond the classroom. She continues to cultivate community-inspired work as an English teacher at Monroe-Woodbury High School in Central Valley, New York, and as an adjunct instructor in the English Department at SUNY Orange County Community College. She is an Academy for Teachers fellow and served two terms as an active member of the National Council of Teachers of English Committee Against Racism and Bias in the Teaching of English. She is currently an NCTE Open Educational Resources Fellow (2023). She is excited to be part of the NYSEC executive board.