Friend of Excellence

Now more than ever, NYSEC needs our community of passionate educators like you to help us continue our work. Please consider making a special gift to our Friends of Excellence Campaign. Together, we can help create a better future for our students and the next generation of teachers.

What is the Friends of Excellence Campaign?
The Friends of Excellence Campaign supports many of the wonderful NYSEC programs, grants and awards, including:
• Educators and Programs of Excellence
• Mini-Grants
• Early Career and Student Scholarships
• Professional Development

Why should I donate?
For these programs to continue, Friends of Excellence asks for your assistance through a monetary donation. This will give you a chance to give back and assist others in your field. At some point you may have been recognized by NYSEC, found an article you love or simply discovered a connection with another English teacher at the annual conference or through virtual PD. All of these services help us grow in our profession.

How much of my money will go to programs and scholarships?
100% of our donations support our students and teachers.

Is my donation tax deductible?
NYSEC is a 501 (c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible.

How do I make a donation? It’s easy, click below!