NYS English Council Honored with 4 NCTE Awards for 2018

2018 NCTE Affiliate Excellence Award

The New York State English Council has been named as one of nine recipients of the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Excellence Award, given by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). The affiliate, whose president is Sally Ventura of Olean, New York, has won the award four times.

2018 NCTE Affiliate Excellence Award: 1 of 9 to receive this award

“It is with great pleasure that we write to tell you that the New York State English Council is one of nine affiliates which have qualified for the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Excellence Award sponsored by the NCTE Standing Committee on Affiliates. Those who have been named winners are winners indeed!” As Jean Boreen noted in her letter, “I was very impressed with your affiliate’s work this year for a number of reasons. You have consistently strong conventions with exciting sessions to offer your 500 members in attendance-amazing and wonderful. The professionalism of your publications and the fabulous articles found throughout all contribute to keeping members informed, aware, and professionally supported; I really enjoyed your News/Blog section and your writers are to be commended for their articles as well as their cool ideas. I also applaud your awareness and development of opportunities for teachers and students to share their writing through your various publication. English Record, in particular, is a great showcase for the wonderful variety of articles you are able to gather. I loved the poem “Hero Enough.” You’ve also really done a great deal with social media in the last few years. Further, your connections with the New York State Department of Education must be noted as important to the influence the affiliate has; NYSEC is making clear that it is a relevant entity in professional development in New York.”

The Affiliate Excellence Award was established in 1996 to honor NCTE affiliates that meet high standards of performance for programming and promote improvement in English language arts teaching.

Qualifications for the award represent standards of excellence to which all NCTE affiliates should aspire. Award winners fulfilled at least eight different criteria for excellent affiliate programming during the school year of application. The required criteria include:

• increasing membership in the affiliate or NCTE;
• publishing an affiliate communications instrument at least twice a year;
• conducting at least one professional development program for members;
• completing the annual affiliate report to NCTE by the deadline;
• achieving accomplishments such as implementing and maintaining a cultural diversity plan;
• developing a program to encourage new teachers into the profession;
• participating in an NCTE Affiliate Leadership Meeting;
• participating in at least three affiliate-sponsored activities at the NCTE Annual Convention.

Other affiliates of excellence include Colorado Language Arts Society, Georgia Council of Teachers of English, Michigan Council of Teachers of English, Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Virginia Association of Teachers of English, West Virginia Council of Teachers of English, and Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English.

For more information about the NCTE Affiliate Excellence Award, click here.

2018 NCTE Affiliate Newsletter of Excellence Award

New York State English Council Honored with 2018 NCTE Affiliate Newsletter of Excellence Award

NYSEC News, co-edited by Michelle Kaprinski and Christine Furnia of Wappingers Central School District, published by the New York State English Council, has been named as a recipient of the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Newsletter of Excellence Award, given by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

2018 NCTE Newsletter of Excellence Award: 1 of 8 to receive this award

“You and your affiliate can take great pride in the recognition this award brings to your affiliate for excellence in newsletter writing.”

The judges noted that NYSEC News, published by New York State English Council featured officers’ articles offering insight into their work as New York State English teachers; judges encourage the affiliate to also include more personal coverage of others such as your teachers of excellence awardees. The newsletter was noted for the highlighted student work at middle and high school levels; judges also encourage an intentional inclusion of teacher reflections and best practices to make your newsletter one of the finest.

Established in 1992, this award recognizes outstanding newsletters of affiliates of NCTE that have published a minimum of three newsletters from May 2017 through the program deadline on May 1, 2018.

Newsletter submissions are judged on: content (particularly the inclusion of current, pertinent information with a good balance between theory, practice, and professional growth information), quality of writing, a clear and accurately defined purpose for the publication, a format which aids the reader in locating information and is easy to read, and the use of graphics to aid the overall effectiveness of the newsletter.

The award winners will be announced at the 2018 NCTE Annual Convention in Houston, during the Affiliate Roundtable Breakfast on Sunday, November 18.

Other winners include The English Pub, edited by Kay Walter of the University of Arkansas at Monticello, published by the Arkansas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts; Scribbles ‘n Bits, co-edited by Darren Crovitz of Kennesaw State University and Karen Conn Mitcham, Middle Georgia RESA, published by the Georgia Council of Teachers of English; ICTE, edited by Laura Gellin of Park Tudor School, published by the Indiana Council of Teachers of English; MATELA Update, edited by Katie Kotynski of Great Falls, Montana, published by the Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts; Ohio Voices, edited by Karla Hayslett of Eastern High School, published by the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts; Texas Voices, edited by Kristen Kay Nance of Fort Bend Independent School District, published by the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts; and WCTE Update, edited by Linda Barrington of Mount Mary University, published by the Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English.

For more information about the NCTE Affiliate Newsletter of Excellence Award, click here.

Journal of Excellence Award

New York State English Council Honored with 2018 NCTE Journal of Excellence Award.

The English Record, edited by edited by Lou Ventura of Olean High School and published by the New York State English Council, has been named as a recipient of the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Journal of Excellence Award, given by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

2018 NCTE Journal of Excellence Award- 1 of 8 to receive this award

“It is my pleasure to congratulate you as editor of The English Record, published by the New York State English Council! Your journal has been chosen as one of eight to receive the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Journal of Excellence Award presented by the NCTE Standing Committee on Affiliates!”

This award, established in 1995, honors outstanding affiliate journals and their editors who demonstrate excellence in these publications.

The winning affiliate journal must be a magazine-type publication—print or online–and provide members with scholarly articles on issues and topics related to English language arts teaching. The journals are judged on content, organization, layout, and physical appearance. The variety of articles published are judged on quality of writing, evidence of research and scholarly exploration, appeal to many different groups within the affiliate, coverage of important issues in English language arts education, and inclusion of other types of writing (e.g., poetry, affiliate news, book reviews).

The award winners will be announced at the 2018 NCTE Annual Convention in Houston, during the Affiliate Roundtable Breakfast on Sunday, November 18.

Other winners include California English, edited by Carol Jago of the University of California, Los Angeles and published by the California Association of Teachers of English; Florida English Journal, edited by Pamela Rentz and Amie Myers of Chipola College and published by the Florida Council of Teachers of English; Connections, edited by Lesley Roessing and Patricia Wachholz of Georgia Southern University, and published by the Georgia Council of Teachers of English; Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, edited by Angela Faulhaber of Miami University and published by the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts; Oklahoma English Journal, edited by Julianna E. L. Kershen of University of Oklahoma and published by the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of English; English in Texas, edited by Margaret Hale of University of Houston and published by the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts; and Virginia English Journal, edited by Sean Ruday of Longwood University and published by the Virginia Association of Teachers of English.

For more information about the NCTE Affiliate Journal of Excellence Award, click here.

Website of Excellence Award

New York State English Council Honored with 2018 NCTE Website of Excellence Award.

The New York State English Council, https://www.nysecteach.org/New-York-State-English-Council, edited by Michelle Bulla of Nyack, New York, has been named as a recipient of the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Website of Excellence Award, given by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

2018 NCTE Website of Excellence Award: 1 of 4 to receive this award

“Congratulations! The New York State English Council website has been chosen as one of four to receive the 2018 NCTE Affiliate Website of Excellence Award sponsored by the NCTE Standing Committee on Affiliates. The review committee was impressed by the website as committee chair Jeana Hrepich noted in her message to you.” Jeana Hrepich noted”

Your website is recognized for its high quality content, easy navigation, size, and speed. In particular, we liked your innovative blog content, handy quick links, and the way in which you so prominently market your conference.”

Established in 2000, this award recognizes outstanding websites with high-quality content, easy navigation, size, speed, privacy, links, and interactive abilities (message boards, live chats, forums, blogs, mailing lists, etc.).

The award winners will be announced at the 2018 NCTE Annual Convention in Houston, during the Affiliate Roundtable Breakfast on Sunday, November 18.

Other winners include Michigan Council of Teachers of English Language, https://mymcte.org, co-edited by Janet Neyer of Cadillac, Michigan and Jim Kroll of Saint Clair Shores, Michigan; Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts website, https://www.octela.org, edited by Lena Moore of Zanesville, Ohio; and Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English, http://www.wcteonline.org, co-edited by Linda Barrington of Brookfield, Wisconsin and Lynn Aprill of Gillett, Wisconsin.

For more information about the NCTE Affiliate Website of Excellence Award, click here.